On average, people in big cities travel for 1-2 hours daily on bus charter in brisbane to get to their workplaces. This time is the only estimation for one way to the work and not counting both leaps. Suppose you live near your workplace that is one of the luckiest breaks you can catch in life. On the other hand going out to buy groceries, or to dine out, or to see a doctor, or even visiting your relatives can be a problem without the availability of proper means of transportation at your disposal.
The Crisis of Fuel
As the population of the world is increasing every year, the fuel resources are shrinking day by day. The fossil fuels which people rely on to get them from one place to another is misused, mismanaged, and subjected to political manipulation everywhere. The world has become a smaller place in terms of communication; physically, its size remains the same. International trade is increasing and goods travel more frequently across the borders than ever before. The entire weight of economics is balancing on the shoulders of logistics and supply chain. Fuel charges have such a monumental impact that oil is called liquid gold, and when fuel charges rise, everything becomes expensive. Even the local transport like underground tubes and public buses are expensive when you have to travel on daily basis. All the cities that are major all over the world have very expensive transportation.
Unlike out fanciful predictions in the past, we have yet to discover alternative energy resources, and until then the masses have no choice but to depend on the tipping scales of fossil fuels.
Car Expenses
One would think that buying a car is the solution to get out of these commute troubles. The reality differs widely from such statements. People who own a car knows that it is not much different than owning a horse in the olden days. Sure cars are faster and have more room than horses, but just like the equestrians, these automobiles also need constant upkeep and maintenance. Should a person wish to keep a car, they better take out a sizeable amount of their incomes every month to invest in tuning and fuelling the transportation vessel. In retrospect, owning private vehicles are the biggest reason to contribute towards the fuel price hike and the fastest scarcity of this natural resource. Many environmentalists and economists propose that private ownership of vehicles should be discarded all together. In public transport, more people can travel with the same amount of fuel. This solution is highly effective and practical, but it has some minor errors and some significant obstacles to make it a reality.